How To Train Your Dragon 2 Download Ipod

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Download Ipod

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The likelihood youll be stuck in a tunnel with other panicking people is only going to get greater. If you need convincing that things are bad, wed direct you to the now infamous June video showing desperate subway victims literally clawing their way out of a stuck, overheated car. In spite of all this, daily subway trips are an unavoidable fact of life for millions of daily commuters, so for practical tips for surviving subway hell, we turned to experts in dealing with those other claustrophobic germ tubes of mass transit airplanes. Height=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF' alt='How To Train Your Dragon 2 Download Ipod' title='How To Train Your Dragon 2 Download Ipod' />Flight attendants are of course so much more than to quote the Replacements waitresses in the sky Theyre a fully trained, quick thinking first line of defense in the air, who have to deal with all sorts of mini crises while also smiling and making sure youre comfortable, which is definitely not something the MTA tries to do. By the way, we reached out to the MTA for their best tips on handling underground crises, and have yet to receive any informationwell update if we hear back. Below, flight attendants give us their best advice for managing a variety of emergency situations you might encounter underground Someone is having a panic attack. Claustrophobia, delays or just existing in New York City can conspire to drive people into a frenzy even on a good day. If you or someone nearby starts having a panic attack and hyperventilating, that old trick of giving someone a paper bag to breathe into actually works, said Mandy Smith, who has 1. Cabin Fever The Sizzling Secrets of a Virgin Airlines Flight Attendant. It makes you re breathe your own carbon dioxide, she said, which helps balance your oxygen intake. Theyll either pass out or itll help them. Both ways it helps. If no paper bag is available, she suggests having the hyperventilating person put a hand on your chest, near the collarbone, and have them follow your breathing. Last week, I experienced a panic attack for the first time. The scariest part, though, was that IRead more Read. The flight attendants said the main thing to do with a passenger in the midst of a freakout is to distract them by asking easy questions in a calm voice. Watch Kakurenbo: Hide And Seek. Eye contact is helpful, too. So is positioning yourself as an expert on whats going on i. Distract them from what theyre obsessing about in their head, Smith said. Simple questions help take their mind off the panic, like asking people where theyre going, where theyre from or if this is their regular subway line. You may have prepared for a stressful situation like a job interview, an important meeting, or a Read more ReadI make them look around, said Nikki Thompson, who has been a flight attendant on an international airline for four years. The strategy here is to bring panicking passengers back to the moment. She avoids putting any bad thoughts in their mind Dont say things like The train hasnt caught fire yet. How to Train for Your First Marathon on a PlantBased Diet Ever wished there was just a roadmap to guide you to the finish of your first marathon, starting from where. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Software Download freeware and shareware software utilities and apps. Download files for your computer that tweak, repair, enhance, protect. Instead, opt for something straightforward, such as, Right now your limbs are all intact. Everything around us is OK, Thompson suggests. A fight breaks out or a rider is belligerent. Dumb things happen all the time that can escalate into fights. Smith said she has seen two grown men get into full on fisticuffs on an airplane in a fight that started over a cookie. When someone becomes aggressive like that, flight attendants switch into quick placation mode, which is a wise strategy for subway riders trapped in close quarters, too. For stopping a fight on a train, the experts suggest a divide and conquer method, gradually moving the riders back away from each other while working to defuse the situation. You kind of act like an elementary school teacher or kindergarten teacher in those situations, said Karalee Mulder, who has eight years of experience on international and domestic airlines and created the blog The Flight Attendant Life. You take an authoritative role a little bit. I really dislike confrontation and will do pretty much anything in my power to avoid mostRead more Read. Most times, people are just angry and frustrated and want to be heard, she said. She will squat down to be on their level as shes speaking to them. I dont want to be standing above the passenger ever, she said. I always squat down, at eye level or lower, and just let them know that Im listening. On the subway, youd want to sound calm but official and helpful, so the person youre talking to doesnt blow up in your face right away. Every fight has a winner and a loser, and unless you spend some serious time training, theres aRead more Read. Thompson then goes into problem solving mode. I have to figure out what it is they need. Where are they coming from Are they scared of something she said. Thats what it all boils down to, theyre scared of the unknown. If someone is truly dangerous, Smith recommends avoiding eye contact, which can escalate the situation, and putting something physically between yourself and the danger. Even a subway pole or an umbrella can help. Sick passengers. Like that old paper bag breathing trick, asking is there a doctor in the house almost always works too. The density of New York City means the odds your train car will have a doctor, nurse, firefighter, EMT or anyone else with medical training on it is pretty good. Its good to actually speak up, to be the mouth that asks for a doctor, Thompson said. It actually has worked out every time. Weve featured a ton of survival and Mac. Gyver tips over the years that could help you out of a Read more Read. If a doctor isnt available and its not clear whats wrong with them, ask them for medical history or look for a medical ID bracelet. If they cant speak, the flight attendants suggest looking for medicine in their bag. The MTAs official etiquette posters say that when youre feeling sick, you should get off the train at the next stop, or contact the conductor or have someone do it for you, who will wait with you until help arrives. The MTA also said this summer its working with the NYPD to increase patrols at key stations to help out sick or unruly passengers. FIRE FIRE Fires inside a subway car are rare, but the close quarters could make even a small one dangerous. Flight attendants said its crucial to know which type of blaze youre dealing with first combustible clothing, paper, etc., flammable liquid oil, grease, or electrical someones laptop burst into flames. To handle an electrical fire, flight attendants are trained to remove the power source first. You cant throw water on a grease or oil fire or the flames will just spread its best to use an extinguisher which you probably wont have access to, unless youre this guy or smother it safely, if possible. You can find the MTAs official guidelines here. For a combustible fire, you should remove anything else that might go up in flames right away loose clothing, newspapers, for example. If you spend any appreciable amount of time in the kitchen you will, at one point or another, beRead more Read. But when in doubt, your biggest priority should be to get away from the fire. Smoke is usually the biggest threat, not the flames themselves. If the subway car starts to fill with smoke, open windows and doors or move to another car ASAP. Youve got to get out of the train straight away if you could, Smith said. Though the MTA strictly advises against self evacuating from their trains, well, its been done before. And you can find their official evacuation guidelines here, which describe four strategies for getting to safety. Important fact The MTA says you should almost never pull the emergency cord, despite being in a situation you might consider an emergency.

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